Finally Learn ALL 67 Steps in a Nice & Concise Summary Form & Become the Best Version of Yourself!
NOTE: Learn below how you can get the 67 Steps Study Guide for free.
This small PDF course was designed to help students of the 67 steps by providing them a convenient and easy way to review ALL the 67 steps in a short time.
I concisely summarize each step down to it’s core teaching principle. You can Print the PDF out and use it as a reference to learn the steps!
$14.00 $ 20.00
(This offer will be taken down when timer hits zero!)
What you Get:
- INSTANT ACCESS to ALL my Summaries of the 67 Steps in a nice PDF
- Each Step has 1-2 paragraphs Explaining its Core Principle
- 16 Pages of Content
- Concise Summaries that Eliminate all the Fluff
- Secure Payment with Paypal
How to Claim your Free Study Guide:
- Once you buy Tai’s 67 Step program through this link, just contact me and I’ll ask you for a screenshot of your 67 Steps email confirmation and the Tai Lopez dashboard area right when you log in so I can verify you.
- After that, I will send you your free study guide via email!

Reasons You’ll Want this:
+ SAVE TIME with Straight to the Point Summaries
Tai’s Program is extremely long – 60 + HOURS LONG! It’s hard to boil down what he is talking about sometimes into short memorable notes.
But, I have done ALL the hard work for you!
This PDF actually saves you time since it contains straight to the point principles. The problem with Tai’s videos is that he repeats a lot of things when it’s not necessary. My study guide eliminates all of the fluff.
It may not have all the examples that Tai illustrates but it definitely teaches the core principles of each step.
+ Become the Best Version of Yourself
I love improving myself. The 67 Steps was a great program and it has a ton of valuable information that can help anyone become more successful in life. I go through this study guide once every week and evaluate my life and how I’m doing so I can put myself in check. Sometimes you realize that you can apply these principles to so many other different aspects of your life that you didn’t realize before.
+ Convenient Study Guide
I’ve done all the hard work for you by concisely summarizing all the steps. Print this study guide out and easily use it as a reference to help you remember the steps.
NOTE: The 67 Steps is a VIDEO COURSE… So stop trying to search for a PDF of the 67 Steps, you won’t find one – it doesn’t exist. The closest thing that you’ll find to a PDF is this study guide that I’ve put together.
+ Quench your Curiosity
The 67 Steps is a great program and I highly recommend it, however, maybe the $67/mo was too expensive for you and you just want to see what the steps are all about.
+ Save Money
$67/mo over time adds up to a lot of money. Maybe you’re a student who wants to drop out of the course. Or maybe you haven’t bought the course but you’ve been curious to see all of the 67 steps before buying.
Either way, at an extremely LOW cost, one-time fee you can take advantage of this PDF and still learn all the steps! OR better yet, buy the course through this link, email me login screenshots, and I’ll give you this study guide for free!
Either way, start investing in yourself – at $15, the cost of a dinner, – this is a no brainer.
If you’re still on the Fence…
If you think my summaries on my site are good, then you won’t be disappointed by the 67 Steps Program that Tai Lopez offers on his website. There’s a TON of great information in there that Tai has that just can’t be summarized, including the way Tai is able to hammer these into your memory via video format. It’s a lot different than just reading a book.
Worst case scenario, if you don’t like the program, you can get a full refund back with the money back guarantee that Tai Lopez offers. Most people do it wrong and complain. You simply have to go through Clickbank since the 67 steps is a Clickbank product. It’s super easy and Clickbank is extremely helpful if you email them.
All in all, if you are serious about wanting to improve yourself, I highly recommend this program. I’ve been through a lot of programs and courses and I have only fully recommended two on my site, Tony Robbins Personal Power II and this program, the 67 Steps. From my view, you don’t have much to lose especially with the refund and guarantee. What are you waiting for? Stop making excuses and start making the best version of you.
Get the Tai’s 67 Steps