Welcome to my Blinkist review. This is an App that I wholeheartedly love and recommend to anyone that loves and wants to learn more. I decided to write this after receiving a couple requests from my readers. If you haven’t heard of Blinkist, then we’ll start off describing what it is.
What is Blinkist?
Have you ever wanted to read a book that looked awesome but decided not to because you didn’t have the time or you thought it would take forever to read? Well, Blinkist solves that problem for you.
Blinkist is a service that provides convenient summaries and key takeaways from a huge library of the best selling nonfiction books. The format is both text and convenient audio. The audio summaries last for about 15 minutes.
I have personally used this app/ service for 3 years, I love using it while driving to work and on my lunch breaks. It’s been one of my secrets to learning effectively.
42% is the “Total percentage of college students who will never read another book after they graduate.”
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The Pros I’ve Noticed
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee – No Questions asked – This policy of theirs actually put my fears to rest and made me initially give Blinkist a try. If you don’t like it, email them and simply get your money back. I’ve been using it for 3 years.
- LEARN MORE: Gain key insights without all the fluff and filler.
- High Quality Summaries: These are long, high quality summaries.
- QUICKLY DECIDE if a book is worth reading: This is the most valuable way I use this app. I can easily tell if a book is worth reading more by it’s summary.
- SAVE TIME & Learn Faster: Devour only the important information from books. With these Blink summaries, you can now learn more and be time effective and efficient.
- AUDIO SUMMARIES – PERFECT for your commute to work: Along with text summaries, they have audio summaries too. Instead of driving, I’m doing something constructive and productive with my time.
- Great if you don’t like reading: Are you one of those people who process information differently?
- Ideal if you don’t read fast: Are you a slow reader and big books look like a daunting task? You will consume more content with these summaries.
- Become a better version of yourself: Learning is apart of living. Learn from other people’s experiences and insights. You have one life, why not make the most out of it.
- Broad range of Categories: Blinkist does not disappoint you with a shallow library of categories. Look at the list above and see most of the categories they have.
- OVER 1000 summaries to choose from: I was a little worried about running out of summaries because they might not have enough or that I was going through them too fast. This is not the case, they have plenty of summaries!
- Constantly UPDATED and GROWING: I’ve been with blinkist for 2 years and they are always adding new summaries to their library. They add 40+ new summaries every month!
- Use App or PC: You can use the Blinkist app on your PC or your smartphone.
- Free Version: They have a free version too!
- Extremely Affordable: If you decide to upgrade from the free version, it’s extremely affordable, or you can just keep going through the free version. I’ll discuss more in my Blinkist review below.
The Cons I’ve Noticed:
- Immersion Time – The blink summaries are awesome and very concise, however one slight issue is you don’t have the immersion time like reading a whole book. To remedy this, I tend to listen to the audio summary a couple times so it sticks in my head or I write some notes down and review them. One of the benefits about reading an entire book is that the amount of time you spend with it allows you to remember it more, you are more immersed in it.
- The General Nature of Summaries – There is one minor issue that I have found with some summaries / books. It isn’t really an issue per say, but I decided to bring it up anyway. This has to do with the general nature of summaries and not Blinkist. For a small amount of books (roughly 10%), the summaries don’t capture ALL of the examples that really make the book. In other words, It seems that 10% of the books out there are incredible and have gold nuggets on every single page and you can’t really capture it in a summary. One minor downside of Blinkist.
The other remaining 90% of books are filled with fluff which is why I think it’s incredible that there are services like Blinkist out there.
Now, this small issue doesn’t really bother me because I use Blinkist to do two things: ONE, use Blinkist as a screening method to decide which books I would like to buy and read more in depth and TWO, learn fast and effectively. So if I get one of these books with gold nuggets in every page and can’t be perfectly summarized, that’s ok, at least now I know it’s a book that is worthy to pick up and read.
Below is our Blinkist Review
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Blinkist Categories Covered
- Entrepreneurship & Small Business
- Politics & Society
- Marketing & Sales
- Science
- Health & Fitness
- Personal Growth & Self-Improvement
- Economics
- Biography & History
- Communication & Social Skills
- Corporate Culture
- Management & Leadership
- Motivation & Inspiration
- Money & Investments
- Psychology
- Productivity & Time Management
- Relationships & Parenting

Screenshot of Blinkist Categories
Who is this for?
Everyone: This is really for everyone who wants to become a better version on themselves or they just enjoy learning valuable information that will help them out in life or give them a new insight. Old, young, doctor, janitor, men, women… on and on. Knowledge is power.
Commuting to work: Commuting to work is a waste of time in my opinion. My commute is 20 min to work and 20 min back, I absolutely dread it. For some people it’s far worse. I recently got into audiobooks and then Blinkist. It’s completely changed my routine and now I’m finally doing something constructive with those wasted minutes that will benefit me.
People who are too Busy: If you’re like me, you have a busy life with working long hours and then trying to spend quality time with family and friends. You figure out soon that you can’t do everything.
People who read slower: I’m not a huge speed reader like some people. So reading through a book takes a bit of time, even audio books take a bit of time.
People who love Improving: I look at it this way, you have one life. Why not make the most out of it? You make investments in your life all the time, why not start making investments in yourself? Out of my entire Blinkist Review, this describes me the most.
People who want to learn more: You want to make the most out of your time and learn the most – get the best bang for your buck.
Blinkist Review Score
In this blinkist review, I’ll go over important factors such as Quality, Variety, Interface, Costumer Service, and Overall value.
- Content Quality: The summary quality is very thorough and touches upon all major highlights and keypoints. I’ve tested this by comparing some blinks with actual books I’ve read such as 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. 40+ NEW summaries every month.
- Variety of Categories: They have almost have every non-fiction category from Finances, Time Management, Investments, Science, Memory, Speed Reading, Relationships, Entrepreneurship, Marketing – READ THE FULL LIST SEEN ABOVE
- Interface / Organization: The app and website are beautifully designed and the summaries are well organized and logically make sense.
- Voice Quality for Audio Summaries: Voice quality is top notch and professionally done. The voices are not annoying like some audio books I’ve ran across.
- Costumer Service: They are very helpful if you run into any problems and get back to you within usually 24 hours in my experience.
- Price & Value: I love this app. And if you give it try, I’m confident you’ll love it too. It helps me save time learning new things and you know the old adage, “time is money”. The price is very well worth it, I’d actually be happy to pay more. Blinkist App has three pricing tiers. FREE ($0) – PLUS ($49.99/yr) – PREMIUM ($79.99/yr).
Review Score
- Content Quality - 9.5/109.5/10
- Variety of Categories - 9/109/10
- Organization - 9.5/109.5/10
- Voice Quality - 9.5/109.5/10
- Costumer Service - 9/109/10
- Price & Value - 10/1010/10
And if you break it down, it’s $4 – $8 a month – that’s the price of one coffee per month. If time is money, and you’re the type who loves improving themselves then this service is really a no brainer.
HOWEVER, don’t pay the full price because it gets better! I’ve negotiated a better price for all Flex Your Brain readers with a HUGE 20% off when you use my link below. This is only for a limited time. Anyways, thanks for stopping by, if you have any questions, let me know! I hope you enjoyed my blinkist review.
I’ve secured a huge 20% discount for my readers!
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding my Blinkist review